With Fennec you can define setup, teardown, and case methods that apply to tests in unique ways. These methods can be used to set variables, attributes, environment, or anything else. A case is a scenario under which your tests should pass. When you define multiple case blocks and multiple tests, all your tests will be run for all your cases. before_each and after_each define code that should be run before or after each test block. Each test will only run once, but the before_each will run multiple times, once per test. after_each is the same but runs after each test. before_all and after_all define blocks that only ever run once. before_each runs once before all tests, and after_each runs once, after all tests. around_each and around_all are more complicated, but they are useful when paired with 'local'.
Grouping is done using the 'describe' keyword. Any setup, teardown, and case methods defined within a describe block will ONLY apply to test blocks defined within that describe block. You can nest describe blocks, child describe blocks will inherit the setup, teardown and case methods from the parent describe blocks.
Sometimes you want to have tests that run after all the test blocks and workflows complete. That is you want them to be the absolute last thing run. In these cases you can pass a coderef to done_testing(). This will ensure the codeblock is the very last thing run before Fennec cleans itself up. This is important because You cannot have tests after done_testing! This is rarely useful, however it can be necessary when testing Fennec plugins to ensure you ran the desired number of tests, something Fennec normally prevents you from worrying about.
$init $state $bleed
Child 1
Child 2
